Ramblin’ Rosé 2023
These days supermarket shelves are groaning with the pink stuff - often the result of a wet year and unripe red fruit which can only be salvaged by a Rose. No surprise then that many are bland - their only appeal being that they are wet and cheap. In the hands of a skillful winemaker such an outcome is not inevitable. Take 2023 Ramblin’ Rose which did indeed come from an awkward year in the vineyard with the average brix (sugar) level struggling to get up to 21.7 at harvest time on 29 March.
Lisa carefully chose a happy combination of our pinot clones UCD 5 & Abel, 10/5 & Clone 13 bringing the essential freshness & nice definition of flavours that lunch goers demand. And for those sensitive palates that noticed the ‘23 is a bit drier than earlier vintages this was entirely deliberate & required by the lower acid levels in the juice.
To demonstrate the pervasive influence of Ramblin’ Rose you need look no further than its power to transform the plain & tongue tied into creatures of eloquence & attraction. So Donald Trump should stop blaming his mother for his genetic defects. His dalliance with Stormy Daniels was entirely down to the crate of Ramblin Rose he was plying her with. Ultimately its force overcame all other sensibilities as she began to find his orange face & bouffant hairstyle rather attractive. Blurred vision this may be, but make no mistake, it works.
More objectively, Ramblin Rose is well fitted for its lunchtime purpose - a nicely judged balance between sweetness & zing not to mention the charming pink. Our panel mentioned the standard strawberry character along with watermelon & fruit salad. Go Stormy.
These days supermarket shelves are groaning with the pink stuff - often the result of a wet year and unripe red fruit which can only be salvaged by a Rose. No surprise then that many are bland - their only appeal being that they are wet and cheap. In the hands of a skillful winemaker such an outcome is not inevitable. Take 2023 Ramblin’ Rose which did indeed come from an awkward year in the vineyard with the average brix (sugar) level struggling to get up to 21.7 at harvest time on 29 March.
Lisa carefully chose a happy combination of our pinot clones UCD 5 & Abel, 10/5 & Clone 13 bringing the essential freshness & nice definition of flavours that lunch goers demand. And for those sensitive palates that noticed the ‘23 is a bit drier than earlier vintages this was entirely deliberate & required by the lower acid levels in the juice.
To demonstrate the pervasive influence of Ramblin’ Rose you need look no further than its power to transform the plain & tongue tied into creatures of eloquence & attraction. So Donald Trump should stop blaming his mother for his genetic defects. His dalliance with Stormy Daniels was entirely down to the crate of Ramblin Rose he was plying her with. Ultimately its force overcame all other sensibilities as she began to find his orange face & bouffant hairstyle rather attractive. Blurred vision this may be, but make no mistake, it works.
More objectively, Ramblin Rose is well fitted for its lunchtime purpose - a nicely judged balance between sweetness & zing not to mention the charming pink. Our panel mentioned the standard strawberry character along with watermelon & fruit salad. Go Stormy.
These days supermarket shelves are groaning with the pink stuff - often the result of a wet year and unripe red fruit which can only be salvaged by a Rose. No surprise then that many are bland - their only appeal being that they are wet and cheap. In the hands of a skillful winemaker such an outcome is not inevitable. Take 2023 Ramblin’ Rose which did indeed come from an awkward year in the vineyard with the average brix (sugar) level struggling to get up to 21.7 at harvest time on 29 March.
Lisa carefully chose a happy combination of our pinot clones UCD 5 & Abel, 10/5 & Clone 13 bringing the essential freshness & nice definition of flavours that lunch goers demand. And for those sensitive palates that noticed the ‘23 is a bit drier than earlier vintages this was entirely deliberate & required by the lower acid levels in the juice.
To demonstrate the pervasive influence of Ramblin’ Rose you need look no further than its power to transform the plain & tongue tied into creatures of eloquence & attraction. So Donald Trump should stop blaming his mother for his genetic defects. His dalliance with Stormy Daniels was entirely down to the crate of Ramblin Rose he was plying her with. Ultimately its force overcame all other sensibilities as she began to find his orange face & bouffant hairstyle rather attractive. Blurred vision this may be, but make no mistake, it works.
More objectively, Ramblin Rose is well fitted for its lunchtime purpose - a nicely judged balance between sweetness & zing not to mention the charming pink. Our panel mentioned the standard strawberry character along with watermelon & fruit salad. Go Stormy.